
New Product Introduction


Posts focusing on the introduction of new electronics products to market.

Client Spotlight: JUGS SPORTS Batting Machine Takes Home 2016 Best in Show

Microprocessor Control and RF Remote

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ControlTek's New Product Introduction: Bringing Product Designs to Life

At ControlTek, we have a shared passion for helping our customers bring new and innovative products to life. From design to production, ControlTek has developed the processes that take new product designs through production and onto market quickly while also ensuring quality production and cost-efficient management of manufacturing resources.

ControlTek’s new product introduction process includes the kind of transparent, open communication that’s become our signature, offering us the unique opportunity to become a partner rather than a vendor.

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Industry Highlight: Medical Device Manufacturing at ControlTek

medical electronics manufacturing and assembly

From initial research and development to testing and documentation, ControlTek’s services can provide assistance at any stage of your medical device development. Our FDA registered facility and ISO 13485 certified quality system provides an audited environment that meets FDA requirements and includes services such as medical electronic design (circuit, mechanical, PCB layout and more), product and pcb prototyping, and test design.

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Bike Thieves Beware! New BikeTrak GPS Security Device is Watching.

Bike shadows

As bicycle commuting soars in the Pacific Northwest and beyond, bike theft continues to rise along with it. More than just a headache for bike owners, the problem also presents huge financial costs for those affected—up to $50 million in losses each year in the United States alone. Start-ups like BikeTrak, Incorporated, may offer bicycle owners a new solution.

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"The Making of the Re Video" at ControlTek

NewKinetix Re

We recently manufactured the Re“ IR Universal Remote Control for a fellow Portland area company, NewKinetix, LLC. The RÄ“ is a plug-in attachment that transforms your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch into a user-friendly, full-featured universal remote control.

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